As the author of the Lens Capture Blog, I hold approximately 4 open (free) photo walks in the New York City area. These walks are a great opportunity for point-and-shooters to working professional photographers to get together and share our passion for the art. Normally these walks take place on the weekends as we visit visually stimulating locales such as the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the Intrepid Air Sea and Space Museum, the High Line, Coney Island, and many other uniquely “New York” spots. While I share some tricks and tips during these walks, they are more social than instructional. I have been hosting photo walks for more than 15 years and always come away from each walk with an expanded sense of my surroundings.
I also conduct two fee-based Photo Walks:
A 2-hour Beginner’s Workshop Walk is $85 each for a party of four, or $75 each for 5 to 8 participants. If you would like to join a Beginner’s Workshop Walk, please contact us.
The Guided Photo Tour is limited to 2-4 participants and allows me, as a
veteran New Yorker and Professional Photographer, to show you a unique photo opportunity in this great City! This guided tour can include up to two locations depending on proximity such
The Guided Photo Tour includes all the topics discussed above under the Photo Walk and also includes my tips for photographically capturing the essence of the location and advancing your skills to the next level. These 3-hour Guided Photo Tours start at $200 each for a couple, or $150 each for a party of four. Entry fees (where applicable) are extra. If you would like to schedule a Guided Photo Tour, please contact us.
Now that you have taken all these wonderful photos, what will you do with them? Why do justice to your images and develop them in your darkroom, your digital darkroom. Learn the skills necessary to realize your photographic vision by using all the data captured with your dSLR or mirror-less camera. This course is a must for anyone who wants to explore the true power of shooting in your camera's RAW file format. This training is designed to be one-on-one, working live with real images and will cover such topics as:
The one-on-one training covers all the topics discussed above This hands-on instruction is approximately 3-4 hours in length.and costs $300 for the session. If you would like to schedule a Lightroom class, please contact us.